
Meet Greg Davies & Noel Fielding! Plus Free French Fancies!

Won by Elle P

The Prize

Are you a fan of Greg Davies? Or Noel Fielding? Or both? Got a super-fan question you’ve always wanted to ask them? Or maybe you just love Nevermind the Buzzcocks and free cake. Any or all the above apply? This is for you

This is your chance to win 2 tickets to be in the audience of a recording of Never Mind The Buzzcocks,

But wait, it gets better!

After enjoying the hilarious music-themed antics, you and your lucky guest will have the unique opportunity to eat French Fancies with Greg Davies & Noel Fielding after the show and meet the other panelists too.

French Fancies will be personally donated by Greg Davies.

Flavour options may be limited to his favourites.

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Age UK

Age UK’s vision is a world where everyone can love later life
We know it won’t be easy getting there, but we believe it’s how things should be. With your help, we work every day to make it happen.

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The prize not suitable for you or just prefer something else, well you can still help by sharing this super competition prize on your socials, and you never know one of your friends or family could be Meet Greg Davies & Noel Fielding! Plus Free French Fancies!.

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